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TRAVEL + TIDE is the perfect outlet for me to record MOMENTS + MEMORIES of my travels around the world.

Previously I had dabbled in websites back in the day of ‘Frontpage’, played around with various other blogging formats whilst on the road and flipped across various social media accounts to try and keep a record of my travels.

I now have photos and info on disc, in the cloud, hard drives, on USB, memory sticks, various blogs over the internet, facebook, instagram, pinterest, and so much more – I NEEDED to streamline everything into one central location – but this time I was going to do it right.

On researching different blogs for TRAVEL + TIDE, I knew that I wanted my travel blog to become a visual resource for anyone travelling to the destinations I had been. I needed to get it ALL right from the very beginning.

I had been interested in Matthew Kepnes online courses for a while, and things just kept pointing to his ‘The Business of Travel Blogging’ course. I have followed his site ‘nomadicmatt’ for years and always appreciated the information he shared with his audience. On chatting to my family about my goals and dreams to ‘organise’ my travels – I was gifted the course for my birthday! The deal was done and here I am! Certainly not perfect, always a work in progress but I absolutely LOVE watching my ‘moments’ develop with each new post!

I think of myself as pretty tech savvy, but just walking through the steps in the first chapter of this course, really hit home about how much I still have to learn. The step by step process (and free tech support from Chris, here in Australia) allowed me to glide right through and be up and running in no time.

I still have a long way to go, and many more journeys to add, but i can’t recommend this course enough. For anyone thinking of writing a travel blog – for personal or even business purposes…. this is the course you want!

Click on the ‘Superstar Blogging’ logo below for more info on Matthews courses.

Supertar Blogging Logo

Chris x

Disclosure: Please note that as my page grows I will include links to any companies or resources that I personally use or that have been of benefit in helping me create my site or travel further. If a purchase is made via these links, I may earn a commission, at no additional cost to you. If you have any questions about these companies or resources, please email me.